I create meaningful connections between users and digital products 🤝

Hi, I'm Szymon!

Case studies

How to help music students organize their time better?

Practicer – mobile app managing exercise rooms at the Academy of Music in Katowice, Poland

#UX #UI #InDepthInterviews

How can usability and visuality encourage people to visit the philharmonic?

Simplification of the concert selection process based on Nielsen heuristics

#UI #HeuristicEvaluation

How to meet new people with similar interests at the events?

Outer – mobile app combining the possibility to buy tickets for events and contact people who are going to the same event

#UX #UI #DesignSystem


I am a digital designer who currently study Inclusive Design at the Academy of Fine Arts & Design in Katowice, Poland. I hold
a bachelor's degree in Industrial Design.

I consider myself as data driven designer with love for observing human behavior and creating innovative and accurate user experience. I believe that product design is a glue between user and business values.

Marathoner, reader and Duolingo heavy user.

You can read my UX related articles here.